


1、Each student's English exam had a different set of questions.


3、The English exam was timed, so I had to work quickly.

4、I'm elated to have accomplished one of my most significant goals of getting accepted into my dream college.

5、You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs. 有得必有失。

6、The students needed to get a passing grade to pass the course.

7、The exam was one of the most important tests of the semester.

8、I have been preparing for this moment for a long time and I am eager to prove my worthiness of acceptance to my dream school.



11、I never gave up on my dream of attending my ideal university, and now I have accomplished it.

12、The English exam helped me see what areas I need to improve in.




16、I'm thrilled to have received a letter of acceptance to my number one college of choice.

17、Practice makes perfect, but nobody's perfect, so why practice? 熟能生巧,但无人无缺,何必苦练?

18、I forgot to bring my pencil to the English exam and had to borrow one from a classmate.

19、The English exam was cumulative and covered everything we learned in the class.

20、I stayed up late studying for the English exam and I think it paid off.

21、I have set high standards for myself and I am committed to achieving my dreams of being accepted into my desired university.

22、The students were allowed to use a dictionary during the exam.

23、I always get nervous before exams, especially English exams.

24、With my strong academic record and extracurricular achievements, I believe that I have a strong chance of being accepted into my desired school.


26、I have put in the necessary effort to excel academically and I am hopeful that my achievements will lead to acceptance to my desired institution.





31、Two heads are better than one. 三个臭皮匠,赛过诸葛亮。

32、Winners never quit and quitters never win. 胜利者永不放弃,放弃者永无胜利。

33、It's an honor to be able to join the ranks of the students at my dream university.

34、The exam was administered by the English teacher.

35、I am deeply committed to my academic success and I am confident that my passion and hard work will lead to acceptance to my dream school.

36、Strike while the iron is hot. 趁热打铁。

37、I missed the English exam because I was sick.

38、I felt confident after taking the English exam, but I ended up failing.

39、The exam was divided into two parts: listening and writing.





44、The English exam was an important part of my grade for the class.

45、Strive for excellence, not perfection. 追求卓越,而非完美。



48、The English exam took two hours to complete.