

“The fire needs more coal.(该往火里加煤了。)。”你会关注哪种句子呢?很多悠长的句子让人深深地感动,经过搜索的结果小编整理了一些与简短的高冷的英文短句相关的信息,我衷心希望这些句子能够为你们提供一些实用的指导!


1、Applicants need to send in a tape containing their best performance.(申请者需要提交一份包含他们最佳(运动成绩)表现的录像带。)

2、This book contributes little to our understanding of the subject.(此书对我们了解这门学科助益甚少。)

3、Police pulled him over for doing 90 mph, making rapid changes and tailgating.(警察命令他靠边停下,因为他驾车时速高达90英里、快速变道而且紧贴前面的车辆。)

4、met Theophile Magnan, a retired, rich, old man from Lyons yesterday.(昨天我遇见了泰奥菲尔·马南,一个从里昂来的富有的退休老人。)

5、Naval cover is stretched thinly over a vast tract of ocean, so delivering suspects to Kenya, say, would take a valuable warship off patrol.(海军护航力量稀疏地分布在辽阔的海域中;因此将嫌犯押解至肯尼亚意味着一艘宝贵的战舰将被移作他用。)

6、This is a bin.(这是一个垃圾箱。)

7、All hope forsook him, now, for the moment, and a dull despair settled down upon his heart.(此时此刻,所有的希望都离他而去,一种沉重的绝望笼罩着他的心。)

8、They simply threatened to filibuster until the Senate adjourns.(他们坦言声称,为阻挠法案的通过,他们会一直发言直到参议院休会。)

9、In 1992, he helped out on the pilot for "Walker, Texas Ranger", a new series starring Chuck Norris.(1992年,他助力了查克·诺里斯主演的新剧《步行者,德州骑警》的试播。)

10、I'm pleased to say that he is now doing well.(我很高兴地告诉你,他现在很好。)

11、The teacher gave us a French dictation.(老师给我们作了一次法语听写。)

12、The window frame had rotted away completely.(窗框已经完全烂掉了。)

13、What number should I dial for information?(我应该拨什么号码查询?)

14、And they wink.(他们神秘兮兮的眨眨眼。)

15、Be careful! Use the sidewalk.(当心!使用人行道。)

16、The railroad gets regularly cleared of the snow.(铁路上的积雪会被定期清除。)

17、Trying to reason with him only enrages him even more.(跟他讲理只会使他更加生气。)

18、When people throw away food rubbish, they have to pay for it by scanning a barcode on the bin.(当人们扔掉食物垃圾时,他们必须通过扫描垃圾桶上的条形码来支付。)

19、Spending too much now will mean a shortage of cash next year.(现在花销太多就意味着明年现金短缺。)

20、You misheard me, Frank.(弗兰克,你听错了。)


21、But successive rounds of peace talks have yielded little.(但后续和谈未果。)

22、The transformed cells grow and divide in the laboratory, giving researchers new tools to study the cellular processes that underlie the patients' diseases.(这些干细胞在实验室里生长,分化,并成为一种新的工具,有利于科学家们研究引发疾病的细胞是如何发育的。)

23、It has already developed some stylish computers that are selling well.(它已经开发出一些很畅销的时髦电脑。)

24、language is perfect, and if we admit this truth, we must also admit that it is not unreasonable to investigate the relative merits of different languages or of different details in languages.(没有一种语言是完美的,如果我们承认这一点,我们也必须承认,研究不同语言或语言中不同细节的相对优点并不是没有道理的。)

25、She bought a blouse yesterday.(她昨天买了一件女式衬衫。)

26、How does the 57-year-old bring himself to now sup with the devil?(这个57岁的人现在是如何让自己与魔鬼共进晚餐的呢?)

27、But for the moment he kept that to himself.(但目前来说他把那些藏在心里。)

28、The selection of the works was done in collaboration with other institutions.(作品的选择是与其他院校合作完成的。)

29、Many victims are minibus passengers; a disproportionate number are children.(其中很多受害者都是乘坐的小型巴士,其中儿童伤亡的比例畸高。)

30、The situation was unstable.(局势不稳。)

31、The new secretary takes dictation very well.(那位新秘书善于记录口授。)

32、Additionally, the shorthand versions of these functions can be used.(此外,还可以使用这3个函数的简化版。)

33、The country has been in a sort of shock since the sinking of a South Korean warship, the Cheonan, on March 26th.(韩国天安号战舰于3月26日沉没后,该国震惊了。)

34、they aren't washing dishes.(不,他们不是在洗盘子。)

35、The children toured the warship.(孩子们参观了那艘军舰。)

36、Must I walk on the sidewalk?(我必须在人行道上走吗?)

37、Frank is currently domiciled in Berlin.(弗兰克目前正在柏林居住。)

38、was v pleased to get your letter.(来信收到,很高兴。)

39、We can play with dolls together.(我们可以一起玩毛绒玩具。)

40、We are looking for a better understanding between the two nations.(我们正在寻求两国间的进一步了解。)


41、woman heaved a pail of water at policemen and people behind her threw rocks, according to a Chinalco video and security photos.(根据中铝的录像和安全部门的照片,一位妇女向警察举起了一桶水,在她后面的人扔起了石块。)

42、Using a concise shorthand, regexes describe the form of data and decompose it.(使用简明的简写方式,regex说明了数据的格式并分解数据。)

43、Neighbours report that the milkman would leave his pail at the gate each morning without knocking.(邻居说送奶工每天早上会把桶放在门口,而并不敲门。)

44、Frank looked at Jim with imploring eyes.(弗兰克以哀求的目光看着吉姆。)

45、This will prevent unnecessary accidents and loss of life.(这将防止不必要的事故和生命的损失。)

46、Where are we supposed to hang our washing up to dry?(我们该把洗好的衣物晾在哪里?)

47、started to dial but then hung up.(我开始拨号,但后来挂断了电话。)

48、Using this method of successive division, you can turn your design into components.(按照这种连续的划分方法,可以将设计转换为组件。)

49、They issue a fixed number of shares that trade publicly.(他们发行了固定数量可公开交易的股票。)

50、He had extremely smelly feet.(他的脚臭气熏天。)

51、Understanding is not important.(理解并不重要。)

52、w it's possible to be both safe and stylish.(现在你可以同时拥有安全性和时尚感。)

53、The maize and millet were just putting forth ears.(玉米和谷子正在抽穗。)

54、You'll come back someday.(有一天你会回来的。)

55、was only too pleased to help.(我非常乐意帮忙。)

56、Wait, my pretty Donkey, I'll teach you not to be so particular.(等等,我可爱的驴,我要教你不要这么挑剔。)

57、He's a crafty old devil.(他是个奸诈狡猾的家伙。)

58、Send in the clones!(克隆来袭了!)

59、He rumbled as he walked that it was simply unreasonable to treat him like this.(他一边走一边嘟囔这样对待他简直是不近人情。)

60、He hummed and hawed, giving no definite reply.(他闪烁其词,不做肯定答复。)


61、The fire needs more coal.(该往火里加煤了。)

62、show her my new blouse.(我让她看我的新衬衫。)

63、One (theoretical) way is to configure a separate thread per mailbox.(一种(理论上的)方法是单独为每个邮箱配置一个线程。)

64、The Russians, oddly, did not quail.(奇怪的是,俄罗斯并没有畏缩。)

65、As a result, there has been a shortage of coffee throughout the world.(结果,全世界都出现了咖啡短缺。)

66、They sell a wide range of domestic appliances —washing machines, dishwashers and so on.(他们出售各种家用电器—洗衣机、洗碗机等等。)

67、The painting started to drop down in its frame and was shredded by some blades hidden in the bottom of the frame.(那幅画从框中脱落掉下来,被藏在画框底部的刀片切成了碎片。)

68、She put her arms around him and lifted him up.(她双臂拥住他,把他举起来。)

69、For the moment, I need to rest.(现在,我需要休息。)

70、The shortage of teachers is tied up with the issue of pay.(师资紧缺和工资问题有密切联系。)

71、Quail eggs should not, I have been eating baby pigeon eggs, better digestion.(鹌鹑蛋应该不会,我宝宝一直吃的是鸽子蛋,比较好消化。)

72、She can lift a pail of water from the ground.(她能把一桶水提起来。)

73、She was a sleep-walker, and had fainting-fits.(她是一个梦游者,还有昏厥的症状。)

74、It was a stylish performance by both artists.(这是两位艺术家演出的一场高雅节目。)

75、They may have to widen the road to cope with the increase in traffic.(他们可能得拓宽这条道路以适应车辆的增多。)

76、The "railroad senators" who framed the Elkins act carefully avoid giving the ICC any authority over the rate-making process.(构成艾尔金斯家族的“铁路参议员”谨慎行事,避免向国际刑事法院授予任何制定利率的权力。)

77、These details underlie higher level topics like thread synchronization and the need for the Core i7.(这些细节是构成诸如线程同步以及酷睿i7处理器的需求这样高水平的内容的基础。)

78、Stagnation in home sales is holding back economic recovery.(住房销售的停滞正阻碍着经济的复苏。)

79、The sun was just rising through the leafy tops of those trees.(太阳正从那些树的树梢上冉冉升起。)

80、Look under the car for fluid leaks. Except for condensation from a working air conditioner on a hot day, no car should ever drip anything, any time.(检查一下汽车底下有没有液体泄漏。除了在炎热的天气里空调的冷凝物,任何时候任何汽车都不应该滴水。)


81、I'm now applying to graduate school, which means someday I'll return to a profession where people need to be nice to me in order to get what they want.(我现在正在向研究生院提交申请,这意味着有朝一日,我会重新找到一份工作,一份人们为了得到他们想要的东西而对我非常友好的工作。)

82、w you have a good opportunity to develop a greater understanding of each other.(现在你们有了一个好机会来增进彼此的了解。)

83、All the employees resign because the employer is too unreasonable.(因为老板太不讲理,雇员全体辞职。)

84、This research has done much to advance our understanding of language learning.(这项研究大大提高了我们对语言学习的认识。)

85、If you shoot quail in your dream you may have an argument with your best friend.(如果您拍摄鹌鹑在你的梦想,你可能有一个论据,与你最好的朋友。)

86、called the umpire a bum.(我认为裁判是个不中用的家伙。)

87、Companies soon discovered that work could be done at home and submitted online, so a whole new class of telecommuters began to earn a living from home offices unshaven and wearing pajamas.(公司很快发现工作可以在家完成并进行网上提交,所以全新的远程办公一族开始不刮胡子并穿着睡衣在家办公。)

88、am still in my pajamas.(我还穿着我的睡衣呢。)

89、Put the newspaper in the paper recycling bin.(将报纸放到纸类回收箱中。)

90、He was just going to speak when he thought better of it and didn't mention it for the moment.(他刚想开口说话,但一转念,觉得还是暂时不提为好。)

91、And this is an unstable equilibrium.(这是个稳定平衡。)

92、He wears grandmother's pajamas and waits for Little Red Riding Hood.(他穿上了外婆的睡衣,等着小红帽来。)

93、I'm going to dial the number.(我要拨这个号码。)

94、What you wear should be stylish and clean, and must definitely fit well.(你的穿着应该时尚整洁,而且必须非常合体。)

95、The look on her face was a definite sign that something was wrong.(一看她的神色就知道出事了。)

96、Down the sidewalk, through the garden and you will arrive at the library.(走下人行道,穿过花园,你会到达图书馆。)

97、Let's go over and play with them.(我们过去找他们玩吧。)

98、wrote it from his dictation.(这是我按他的口授写的。)

99、He retired twelve batters in a row.(他一连使十二个击球手出局。)

100、navy warship has arrived near the disaster area carrying tents and food supplies.(一艘载有帐篷和食品供给的军舰已抵达灾区附近。)


101、My grandfather served in World War II, and I hope to be just like him someday.(我祖父参加过第二次世界大战,我希望有一天也能像他一样。)

102、As a result, their math grades overtook those of the other students by the end of the first semester — and the gap between the two groups continued to widen during the two years we followed them.(结果,他们的数学成绩在第一个学期末就超过了其他学生——在我们持续观察他们的两年中,两组学生之间的差距继续扩大。)

103、We wear pajamas to keep us comfortable when we sleep.(睡觉时,我们穿上睡衣裤保证舒适。)

104、The successful candidate will have a solid background in organizational work, advanced skill in shorthand and data processing, combined with at least two to three years of legal secretarial training.(成功的应聘者应具备扎实的组织工作背景,高级的速记和数据处理技能,以及至少两三年的法律秘书培训。)

105、We will then have a firmer foundation of fact on which to build theories.(那时我们将有更坚实的事实根据来作为理论的基础。)

106、Drop the letter into the mailbox marked "Out of Town".(将信投到那个标有“外埠”的邮箱里。)

107、Early indications are that Smith will have no shortage of farm members.(早期迹象表明,史密斯不会缺乏农场员工。)

108、solemnly vowed that someday I would return to live in Europe.(我郑重起誓总有一天我要重回欧洲生活。)

109、Some of the children living on the farms go to school in a minibus.(有些住在农场上的孩子乘坐小型公共汽车去上学。)

110、want to renew some books at the library.(要到图书馆去续借几本书。)

111、That blouse sets off the blue of her eyes.(那件上衣衬托出了她的蓝眼睛。)

112、Maria: She told me to get baby pajamas.(玛丽亚:她让我买件婴儿睡衣。)

113、Foxes and wolves are biting.(狐狸跟狼在咬东西。)

114、There was a definite feeling that things were getting worse.(人们明显感到事情越来越糟。)

115、Can you see to it that the fax goes this afternoon?(你保证今天下午就把传真发出去,行吗?)

116、Chromostereopsis involves cortical areas that underlie depth processing for both monocular and binocular cues.(彩色立体视觉涉及到皮层区域,它是单目和双目线索深度处理的基础。)

117、China has a lot of work to do economically.(中国在经济方面有很多工作要做。)

118、didn't get a wink of sleep last night.(我昨天一夜都没合眼。)

119、see snakes (powerful men) everywhere biting our girls.(我看到蛇蝎(有权势的人)处处咬我们的姑娘。)

120、like this red blouse.(我喜欢这件红色衬衫。)


121、Genetics is also bringing about dramatic changes in our understanding of cancer.(遗传学也正使我们对癌症的理解发生巨大的变化。)

122、We sampled a selection of different bottled waters.(我们品尝了挑选出来的各种瓶装水。)

123、You prefer to park on the sidewalk.(你更喜欢在人行道上停车。)

124、The accountant checked this unnecessary spending in good time.(会计及时卡住了这笔不必要的开支。)

125、They dined off salmon, quail, and fruit.(他们正餐吃的是鲑鱼、鹌鹑肉和水果。)

126、Thee schoolboy was knocked down by a minibus when crossing the street.(那名男生在穿过街道时让一辆小公共汽车撞倒了。。)

127、Let us renew the true spirit of that day.(让我们重申这一天的意义。)

128、Statement should be made on the basis of fact.(说话要有根据。)

129、She lives in an old apartment in the city suburb.(她住在城市郊区的一栋旧公寓大楼里。)

130、If you factor in the projected rates of technological change, either your skills will become unnecessary, or your industry outdated.(如果你考虑到技术变化的预期速度,那么你的技能将变得很多余,或者你的行业将会显得过时。)

131、Dial, then stretch.(拨号,然后拿开。)

132、ON a quiet street in Romulus, a suburb of Detroit, is an empty house.(底特律市罗穆卢斯郊区,一条安静的街道旁,一栋空空如也的房子。)

133、He said I kicked him, but I never touched him!(他说我踢他了,可是我从来就没碰过他!)

134、In the end, it was an easy delivery: a fine baby boy.(最终,分娩顺利——一个健康的男婴。)

135、The little donkey rolled on the ground.(小驴在地上打滚。)

136、The objective is to study the effect of Fragmin in treatment of unstable angina.(目的是研究低分子肝素对不稳定型心绞痛的疗效。)

137、Local health workers send in SMS reports for each child's malnutrition, malaria and diarrhea status.(当地医务人员呈送记录每个儿童的营养不良、疟疾和痢疾情况的短信服务报告。)

138、He vanished after you fixed him with a job.(你给他安排了一个工作后他就消失了。)

139、get over 30 spam mails a week in my mailbox.(我的邮箱一周收到30多封垃圾邮件。)

140、He ran into a friend when he walked on the sidewalk.(他走在人行道上时遇到了一个朋友。)


141、Who could have dropped it in the mailbox?(谁会将它放在信箱里呢。)

142、I've often heard that medieval glass windows are thicker at the bottom because glass flows like a fluid.(我经常听说中世纪的玻璃窗底部更厚,因为玻璃像液体一样流动。)

143、Throw rubbish in the bin.(把垃圾扔到垃圾桶里。)

144、Who's at the top of your speed-dial list?(谁在你的电话快速拨号单上位居第一?)

145、There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.(人行道上有一个很深的洞。)

146、Then the person who requested it won't be able to renew it.(这样的话,那位已经借走的人就不能再续借这样东西了。)

147、Don't play with strangers.(不要和陌生人玩耍。)

148、The dog gave the mailman a nasty bite.(这条狗将邮差猛咬一口。)

149、"It seemed like the perfect chance for natural selection to act on a population," said Dr. Ilardo.(“这似乎是自然选择在一个群体中发挥作用的完美机会。”伊拉尔多博士说。)

150、The frame of an airship is made of light but strong metal.(飞船的框架是用轻而坚固的金属制成的。)

151、She was washing shirts.(她在洗衬衣。)

152、We want the little Donkey!(我们要小毛驴!)

153、As Internet users become more dependent on the Internet to store information, are people remember less?(随着互联网用户越来越依赖互联网来存储信息,人们记的东西是不是越来越少?)

154、If fire happens, you should leave and dial 911 for the fire department.(如果发生火灾,你应该马上离开,并拨打911呼叫消防队。)

155、What, sick, a sleep-walker, and wasted away in my house!(什么,梦游症,思乡病,在我家里日渐消瘦!)

156、Remember the use of see / see to direct someone’s attention to something, e.g.(记住用see/看到来引导某人注意某物,例如:Seethatboatoverthere?)

157、the fish were really biting.(他们发现那儿的鱼真好上钩。)

158、Someday some brand will be the Coca-Cola or Nokia or Nike of personal computers with a market share of 40% or so.(总有一天,某个个人电脑品牌也会像可口可乐、诺基亚或耐克这样占有40%左右的市场份额。)

159、Toward the suburb the houses begin to thin out.(靠近市郊的地方房屋渐渐稀少。)

160、That suggests that a lack of convenient leafy greens isn't the problem.(这说明,购买绿色食物的不便捷性并不是问题。)


161、Isn't that unreasonable?(这是不是有点不合理啊?)

162、You can use the sidewalk. It's safe.(你可以使用人行道,它是安全的。)

163、Officials include an umpire, service judge, line umpire and scorer.(裁判人员包括:裁判员、发球裁判、司线员和记分员。)

164、The warship is prowling several hundred yards away from the drifting launch.(军舰在漂浮的游艇附近数百英尺处徘徊。)

165、He gives them black coal.(他会给他们黑煤块。)

166、The young girl loved to play with her playmates.(这个小女孩喜欢和她的玩伴们一起玩。)

167、Is it definite that he's leaving?(他肯定要离开吗?)

168、The child-care bill is to be tacked on to the budget plan now being worked out in the Senate.(儿童保育款项将被附加到参议院正在制定的预算计划中。)

169、She may be cynical about the film industry, but ultimately she has no intention of biting the hand that feeds her.(她也许会对电影业冷嘲热讽,但终究不打算恩将仇报。)

170、Speech is generally clear, fluid and sustained.(演讲通常清晰、流畅、持续。)

171、He was looking very pleased with himself.(他显得沾沾自喜。)

172、They play with children.(他们和孩子玩。)

173、As with many gender gaps, differences in emotionality tend to be small, inconsistent, and dependent on the situation.(与许多性别差异一样,情感上的差异往往微小、不一致,而且取决于具体情况。)

174、The transferee must see to it that the quality of the product is maintained.(接受转让一方要负责保持产品的质量。)

175、This shirt is very stylish and not very expensive.(这件衬衫看起来很时髦,而且不会很贵。)

176、All he had to do was buy a railroad.(他所做的只不过是买了一条铁路。)

177、This region is becoming increasingly important both strategically and economically.(这个地区的战略地位和经济地位变得越来越重要了。)

178、The study looked at 200 unreasonable behaviour petitions filed by women.(这份调查研究了200起由妇女提出的因不可理喻行为而离婚的诉状。)

179、He wanted to home in the suburb.(他想在郊区安个家。)

180、Even the rigorous Finns and Dutch have seen bond spreads widen.(即使缜密的芬兰人和荷兰人也会见证其债券息差扩大。)


181、I'm still in the early days of my recovery and that worries me.(我仍处于恢复期的初始阶段,这使我担心。)

182、Only by being him can you hope to out-guess him.(只有成为他你才可能猜出他在想什么。)

183、"I am that Donkey," answered the Marionette laughing.(“我就是那头驴。”木偶笑着回答。)

184、He dropped the quail, fitted an arrow into his bow and raised it.(他扔下猎物,拈弓搭箭,举了起来。)

185、Microsoft's researchers are also working on a video dictation feature for Engkoo.(微软的研究人员还在为英库开发一个视频朗读功能。)

186、Among the English vessels was a warship by the name of Mary Rose.(英国舰艇中有一艘叫玛丽·罗斯的军舰。)

187、Do you feel so sorry for a little donkey that has cost you nothing?(你会为一只没花你一分钱的小驴感到难过吗?)

188、The end of the island is like a prow of a huge leafy ship.(这座岛的尾部,就像一艘巨大的叶子形成的船的船头。)

189、She holed out from 25 feet.(她在25英尺处把球推进洞中。)

190、But forget that issue for the moment.(但现在先暂时忘记这件事。)

191、She did not regard this use of music as ideal, however, believing that she would someday dispense with music entirely.(不过,她并不认为这种对音乐的使用是理想的,她相信自己总有一天会完全摒弃音乐。)

192、Most radio stations settled in the large villas in the leafy areas of the town.(大多数广播电台都设在镇上绿树成荫的大别墅区。)

193、The post function is a shorthand function equivalent to the code in Listing 6.(post函数是一个简写函数,等价于清单6中的代码。)

194、Most Stylish Female Characters in TV history.(10位最时尚电视剧女性角色。)

195、Her husband is unemployed and the family depends on charity.(她的丈夫失业了,全家靠救济度日。)

196、The mainissue is intrusion of highway vehicles on the railroad.(问题的关键在于闯入铁路的公路车辆。)

197、From there, each successive recursive call USES the parameters as new values.(从那里开始,每一次后续的递归调用都使用那些参数作为新的值。)

198、Rain is on the sidewalk.(雨水落在人行道上。)

199、The Minnesota Vikings signed Herschel Walker from the Dallas Cowboys.(明尼苏达维京人队签约雇用了达拉斯牛仔队的赫舍尔·沃克。)

200、Water gushed forth from a hole in the rock.(水从岩洞里涌出。)